Established in 2022, the American Cancer Society National Roundtable on Cervical Cancer (ACS NRTCC) is a national coalition of over 50 member organizations from across the cancer continuum working through collective action to tackle disparities in cervical cancer prevention, screening, and treatment in order to eliminate cervical cancer and reduce the harms caused by the disease. The ACS NRTCC aims to reduce barriers to care, eliminate disparities, reduce harms, and promote new technologies that reduce both morbidity and mortality of cervical cancer for everyone.
Why Join the ACS NRTCC?
ACS NRTCC members enjoy benefits and services designed to magnify the impact that each organization can have in their efforts to defeat this disease. Members can learn about the latest news, events, tools, and resources via regular email updates. Members can attend the ACS NRTCC Annual Meeting to share ideas, get up-to-date information about screening, and wrestle with pressing issues. Lastly, the ACS NRTCC offers its members a place to work together on various initiatives designed to leverage each other’s talents and address pressing needs around cervical cancer screening and clinical management.

Membership Information
Membership Categories and Criteria
Apply for ACS NRTCC Membership
To apply, follow the link below and complete the Membership Application form. Please be sure to complete the entire form. Applications for membership will be reviewed by the ACS NRTCC Membership Committee and submitted to the ACS NRTCC Steering Committee for approval.
Have a question? Please review our frequently asked questions or contact us.